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Layer Manager

The layer manager is located at the top of the map. It is a series of buttons that allow for toggling on/off different layers as well as adding regions/sites/observations in additional modes.

Ground Truth

Both the Site and Site Observation buttons will contain and option to toggle on/off the Ground Truth. For the RDWATCH database the ground truth is determined by loading up the latest GroundTruth tagged model run for that specific Region. Using the Scoring Database it will utilize the GroundTruth that the model run was scored against. The toggling of GroundTruth will only be enabled for both instances if GroundTruth is found for the region or model run.

Site Observations / Sites

Site Observations

This is the lowest level of polygons in the RDWATCH system. A Site Observation is a Polygon associated with a specific instance in time. Clicking on the button will toggle on a selected Model Run's Site Observations and associated Ground Truth Observations if they are found. Hovering over the Site Observation will allow for toggling on/off either the model run site observations or the ground truth obsersvations individually.


Everything mentioned above is also applicable for sites. Sites are different because they are a polygon that are associated with a Date Range instead of a specific date.

Time Limits

Sites have an additional option called Time Limits. By default the Site display will persist a site for all time after it is initially displayed. I.E if the global time slider is at date 20240704 and a Site has a time range of 20200101-20220101 it will display this site. Turning on Time Limits will hide a site if the current time is outside of the time range of the site.


Toggles on/off the polygon Region if it is available

Region Editing (RDWATCH Database)

  • Region Deletion: If you are the owner of a custom user region you can delete the region. ONLY IF the region doesn't have any associated model runs with it.
  • Download Region: Downloads the GeoJSON for the Region
  • Add Region: Allows for adding a custom Region by a user. The region can be drawn by the user and then given a unique name. This region can be used in the future to add sites or possible run SMARTFLOW on a region in the future. Regions that are generated by users can be set to public so everyone can see it, or private to prevent other users from seeing the region.

Scoring (Scoring Database)

While using the Scoring Database two additional views can be displayed:

  • Simple: A simple view of the scoring results. When this view is turned on, all other layers are disabled. The Map Legend will update to indicate what colors mean in this mode.
  • Detailed: A simple view of the scoring results. When this view is turned on, all other layers are disabled. The Map Legend will update to indicate what colors mean in this mode.